High-resolution monitoring of water temperature and oxygen concentration in Lake Murten (Switzerland)
Kateb, Akram El
Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Rüggeberg, Andres
Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Stalder, Claudio
Federal Office of Public Health, Bern, Switzerland
Neururer, Christoph
Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Spezzaferri, Silvia
Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
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Published in:
- Swiss Journal of Geosciences. - 2018, vol. 111, no. 3, p. 501–510
Lake Murten is located in the Lake District in western Switzerland and so far, it has been poorly investigated. The Environmental Service of Fribourg (SEn) has monitored this lake once a month for several years by water profiles (water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity) at its deepest part. The SEn identified the stratification of water masses as one of the main causes for oxygen consumption in the hypolimnion. In the present study, a Lander System was deployed in Lake Murten from April to September 2015 at 20 m depth at the northwestern part of the lake to monitor water temperature and dissolved oxygen at higher resolution (30 s interval). These records were compared with time series of atmospheric parameters like atmospheric temperature, wind speed and precipitation. A clear correlation of lake temperatures with wind speed was observed during the Spring and Autumn. The water mass stratification evolved through the season and reached its peak during Summer, preventing surface turbulences to reach the deeper part (20 m) of the water column and to partially oxygenate the metalimnion.
- Faculté des sciences et de médecine
- Département de Géosciences
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