Journal article

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Targeted proteomics addresses selectivity and complexity of protein degradation by autophagy


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  • 2024
Published in:
  • Autophagy. - UK: Taylor & Francis Group. - 2024, p. 1-16
English Macroautophagy/autophagy is a constitutively active catabolic lysosomal degradation pathway, often found dysregulated in human diseases. It is often considered to act in a cytoprotective manner and is commonly upregulated in cells undergoing stress. Its initiation is regulated at the protein level and does not require de novo protein synthesis. Historically, autophagy has been regarded as nonselective; however, it is now clear that different stimuli can lead to the selective degradation of cellular components via selective autophagy receptors (SARs). Due to its selective nature and the existence of multiple degradation pathways potentially acting in concert, monitoring of autophagy flux, i.e. selective autophagy-dependent protein degradation, should address this complexity. Here, we introduce a targeted proteomics approach monitoring abundance changes of 37 autophagy-related proteins covering process-relevant proteins such as the initiation complex and the Atg8-family protein lipidation machinery, as well as most known SARs. We show that proteins involved in autophagosome biogenesis are upregulated and spared from degradation under autophagy-inducing conditions in contrast to SARs, in a cell-line dependent manner. Classical bulk stimuli such as nutrient starvation mainly induce degradation of ubiquitin-dependent soluble SARs and not of ubiquitin-independent, membrane-bound SARs. In contrast, treatment with the iron chelator deferiprone leads to the degradation of ubiquitin-dependent and -independent SARs linked to mitophagy and reticulophagy/ER-phagy. Our approach is automatable and supports large-scale screening assays paving the way to (pre)clinical applications and monitoring of specific autophagy flux.
Faculté des sciences et de médecine
Département de Biologie
  • English
Biological sciences
Open access status
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