Journal article
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Test preparation breeds success: Two quasi-experimental interventions in the context of the Swiss aptitude test for medical-school admissions
Klumb, Petra L.
Department of Psychology and Center for Test Development and Diagnostics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Spicher, Benjamin
Center for Test Development and Diagnostics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Published in:
- BMC Medical Education. - Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 2024, vol. 24, no. 998, p. 1-7
Background: In Switzerland, the scholastic aptitude test for medical-school selection takes place in three languages. This study examined the effects of two quasi-experimental interventions that aimed to reduce existing differences in test results between the French- and German-speaking language candidates. Methods : Between 2018 to 2023, the population of applicants to Swiss medical schools consisted of N = 18’824 German- and French-speaking individuals. Based on a quasi-experimental design, we examined the effects of two interventions regarding preparatory material, in these cohorts. The first intervention (2022) consisting of practice trials in baccalaureate schools in the canton of Fribourg enabled French-speaking candidates primarily from the canton of Fribourg to prepare more intensively with official tasks. Practice trials enable future candidates to complete a published test version under original conditions and thus prepare how to approach the real test. The second intervention (2023) released new preparatory material in all languages for one group of tasks for which differences between the language groups were more pronounced than in the other tasks. The test provider offered this material for free download together with existing preparation materials and thereby enabled more intensive preparation. Results : After the first intervention, the initially small to medium-sized mean differences in test scores between French-speaking candidates from Fribourg and German-speaking candidates were nearly eliminated (from .39 to .05). Also for French-speaking candidates from outside of the canton of Fribourg, the mean differences were smaller than before the intervention (.48 before, .39 after first intervention). After the second intervention, particularly the mean differences in test scores between German-speaking and French-speaking candidates from outside of Fribourg were further reduced (to .24). Conclusions : The two interventions regarding material for preparing to participate in the aptitude test affected candidates’ test scores. They reduced the gap between German- and French-speaking candidates showing that the additional benefits of commercial offers for test preparation are limited. Hence, offering comparable official preparation material to all language groups enhances test fairness.
- Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines
- Département de Psychologie
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- klumbspicher2024bmcmededucationemspreparatorymaterial.pdf: 51
- supplement.pdf: 34