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Conference paper (in proceedings)

«Die zerrissene Tunica der Unsterblichkeit wurde von Christus wieder zusammengenäht». Zur Erlösung von Adams Sünde durch Christus im Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum.


  • 2024
Published in:
  • “Inherited Sin“. Forscher aus dem Osten und Westen Europas an den Quellen des gemeinsamen Glaubens. 10. Internationale Patrologen-Tagung der Stiftung Pro Oriente: Wien, 16. – 18. September 2021. / Hrsg. von TH. HAINTHALER, F. MALI, G. EMMENEGGER und A. MOROZOV. - 2024, vol. 44, p. 237-251
English The author of the "Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum" emphasises the fact that human was created good by God. It is only through the penetration of evil that the good or good substance diminishes, causing human to lose his immortality and mortality to enter. The devil’s temptation was first followed by Eve and then by Adam: through this transgression of God’s commandment resp. this sin, the good in human diminished. This inferior state resulting the arch-parents’ sin is shown in the subsequent "corruptibilitas" and "mortalitas" of the flesh (caro) of the human being, which is passed on to all descendants. Only through the baptism of Christ it is possible for all who descend into the baptismal waters as “carnal children of Adam the sinner” to ascend as “spiritual children of God”. It is Christ who sewed the tunic of immortality back together.
Faculté de théologie
Département de Patristique et d'Histoire de l'Eglise
  • German
Religion, theology
License undefined
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