Book chapter

La version latine des Magna moralia par Barthélémy de Messine et son modèle grec : Le ms. Wien, ÖNB, phil. gr. 315 (V)


  • 2014
Published in:
  • P. De Leemans (ed.), Translating at the court : Bartholomew of Messina and the cultural life at the court of king Manfred of Sicily. - Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2014. - 2014, vol. Mediaevalia Lovaniensia, Series I, p. 337-382
English Bartholomew of Messina, who was active at the court of Sicily between 1258 and 1266, belongs to the most important promoters of the rediscovery of Aristotle’s natural philosophy in the thirteenth century. In this article, I present an important result of my research on his translation of the Magna moralia, in establishing that the Greek model used by him to translate this work can be identified with the ms. Wien, ÖNB, phil. gr. 315 (V). After a summary of the status quaestionis concerning the Latin tradition of this text and the Greek models used by Bartholomaeus in general, the result of a complete collation between V and the Latin translation of the Magna moralia demonstrates their close relationship.
Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines
Département de Philosophie
  • French
Philosophy, psychology
License undefined
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