Journal article

Towards Fundraising Excellence in Museums; Linking Governance with Performance


  • 2012
Published in:
  • International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. - 2012, vol. 17, no. 3, p. 275-292
English This article presents an empirical analysis of the relationship between fundraising governance and fundraising performance in a sample of 244 Swiss Museums. We propose a fundraising governance model that reflects the level of an organizations’ successful fundraising. Being inspired by research on business excellence, the proposed fundraising governance model extends the mostly qualitative and theory-based concepts of dynamic organization cycle models that are found in Non-profit research, by using a quantitative approach. We explore five fundraising governance factors: ‘boards’ activities’, ‘boards as symbolic decision makers’, ‘board as donor’, ‘fundraising strategic planning and controlling’, and ‘fundraising techniques’. Museums are classified into fundraising governance levels “zero”, “awareness”, “composition”, and “integration”. The model is shown to be positively related to fundraising income.
Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales et du management
Institut pour la gestion des associations, des fondations et des sociétés coopératives (VMI)
  • English
License undefined
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