When Creative Potentials are Being Undermined By Commercial Imperatives : Change and Resistance in Six Cases of Newsroom Reorganisation
Published in:
- Digital Journalism. - Routledge. - 2017, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 44-60
The aim of this paper is to explore and discuss how newsroom restructuring in favour of cross-media news production is changing news production practices and to what extent media-specific norms, values and practices impede the strategy for change. In doing so, we use the structuration theory of Anthony Giddens as theoretical framework. With his concept of the dynamic relationship between structures and agency, and the analytical division of structures into recursively organised rules and resources, we look at planned newsroom reorganisation in order to analyse aspects leading to its implementation as well as factors resistant to change. Overall, our findings show that conflicts between journalistic norms (accurately researching content) and values (reliably informing citizens on socially relevant topics), and the requirement to produce more content within an ever shorter time, influence the implementation of the intended cross-media news production. Moreover, interviewees suggest that in addition to allocative resources (notably financial and human resources), authoritative resources, such as competencies and expert knowledge, have been relevant for adaptation or maintenance of newsroom structures
- Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales et du management
- Département des sciences de la communication et des médias
Information, communication and media sciences
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