Book chapter

The Shadow of Bacchus. Liber and Dionysos in Christian Latin Literature (2nd-4th centuries)

Published in:
  • Dionysus and Rome. Religion and Literature / Mac Góráin, Fiachra. - De Gruyter. - 2020, p. 219-238
English This chapter proposes to analyse the role of Dionysus and Liber in the Christian Latin literature, from the end of the second century up until the second half of the fourth century. It aims not only to clarify how Christian authors wrote about Dionysus and Liber, but also to bring to light the differences that exist between the Greek Dionysus and the Roman Liber and between the originally Greek Dionysian koine attested in texts and images, and a distinctly Roman trait stemming from their ritual practices. The chapter will focus on some Christian works, in particular the Apologeticum by Tertullian, the Adversus nationes by Arnobius, the Institutiones divinae by Lactantius and the De errore profanarum religionum by Firmicus Maternus.
Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines
Département d'histoire
  • English
Ancient history
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