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New Ni0.5Ti2 (PO4)3@C NASICON-type electrode material with high rate capability performance for lithium-ion batteries: Synthesis and electrochemical properties
Srout, Mohammed
LCME, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh Morocco - Department of Chemistry, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Kwon, Nam Hee
Department of Chemistry, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Luo, Wen
Laboratory of Materials for Renewable Energy (LMER), Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Valais/Wallis, Sion Switzerland - Empa Materials Science & Technology, Dübendorf Switzerland
Züttel, Andreas
Laboratory of Materials for Renewable Energy (LMER), Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Valais/Wallis, Sion Switzerland - Empa Materials Science & Technology, Dübendorf Switzerland
Fromm, Katharina M.
Department of Chemistry, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Saadoune, Ismael
LCME, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cadi Ayyad UniversityMarrakesh Morocco - Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Lot 660-Hay Moulay Rachid Ben Guerir Morocco
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Published in:
- ChemSusChem. - 2019, vol. 12, no. 21, p. 4846–4853
Ni0.5Ti2(PO4)3/C NASICON‐type phosphate is introduced as a new anode material for lithium‐ion batteries (LIBs). Ni0.5Ti2(PO4)3/C was synthesized through the sol–gel route and delivered some remarkable electrochemical performances. Specifically, the Ni0.5Ti2(PO4)3/C electrode demonstrates a high rate capability performance and delivers high reversible capacities ranging from 130 mAh g−1 to about 111 mAh g−1 at current rates ranging from 0.1 C to 5 C in the voltage window of 1.85–3 V (vs. Li+/Li). In the same voltage range, the material reaches an initial capacity of 105 mAh g−1 with a capacity retention of about 82 % after 1000 cycles at the high current rate of 10 C. The electrodes are also tested in the wider voltage range of 0.5–3 V (vs. Li+/Li) and show good reversibility and rate capability performance. Moreover, the Ni0.5Ti2(PO4)3/C electrodes enable fast Li+ diffusion (in the order of 10−13 cm2 s−1) compared with other NASICON‐type materials. As a result, a first discharge capacity of 480 mAh g−1 is reached.
- Faculté des sciences et de médecine
- Département de Chimie
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