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Polydopamine nanoparticle doped nanofluid for solar thermal energy collector efficiency increase
Hauser, Daniel
Adolphe Merkle InstituteUniversity of Fribourg Chemin des Verdiers 4 1700 Fribourg Switzerland
Steinmetz, Lukas
Adolphe Merkle InstituteUniversity of Fribourg Chemin des Verdiers 4 1700 Fribourg Switzerland
Balog, Sandor
Adolphe Merkle InstituteUniversity of Fribourg Chemin des Verdiers 4 1700 Fribourg Switzerland
Taladriz‐Blanco, Patricia
Adolphe Merkle InstituteUniversity of Fribourg Chemin des Verdiers 4 1700 Fribourg Switzerland
Septiadi, Dedy
Adolphe Merkle InstituteUniversity of Fribourg Chemin des Verdiers 4 1700 Fribourg Switzerland
Wilts, Bodo D.
Adolphe Merkle InstituteUniversity of Fribourg Chemin des Verdiers 4 1700 Fribourg Switzerland
Petri-Fink, Alke
Department of Chemitry, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Rothen-Rutishauser, Barbara
Adolphe Merkle InstituteUniversity of Fribourg Chemin des Verdiers 4 1700 Fribourg Switzerland
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Published in:
- Advanced Sustainable Systems. - 2020, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 1900101
Polydopamine can form black nanoparticles and has recently been gaining attention due to its extraordinary heating properties upon excitation with light. Herein, polydopamine hybrid nanoparticles are synthesized in different sizes and subsequently added to a solar fluid to analyze heating ability. The solar fluids with the differently sized hybrid polydopamine particles are compared to a solar fluid containing food coloring (i.e., micrometer‐sized soot particles, similar to India Ink) and silver nanoparticles. The hybrid polydopamine nanoparticles are found to heat more efficiently than silver nanoparticles or food coloring, respectively. In addition, no hybrid polydopamine nanoparticle deposits are found in the direct absorption solar collector in comparison to the solar fluids doped with silver nanoparticles or food coloring. Thus, this work shows that hybrid polydopamine nanoparticles are promising candidates to increase the efficiency of solar fluids.
- Faculté des sciences et de médecine
- Département de Chimie, AMI - Physique de la matière molle
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