On the bend number of circular-arc graphs as edge intersection graphs of paths on a grid
Alcón, Liliana
National University of La Plata
Bonomo, Flavia
University of Buenos Aires, CONICET
Durán, Guillermo
University of Buenos Aires, University of Chile, CONICET
Gutierrez, Marisa
National University of La Plata, CONICET
Mazzoleni, María Pía
National University of La Plata, CONICET
Ries, Bernard
University of Fribourg
Valencia-Pabon, Mario
Université Paris-13
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Published in:
- Discrete applied mathematics. - 2018, vol. 234, p. 12-21
Golumbic, Lipshteyn and Stern [12] proved that every graph can be represented as the edge intersection graph of paths on a grid (EPG graph), i.e., one can associate with each vertex of the graph a nontrivial path on a rectangular grid such that two vertices are adjacent if and only if the corresponding paths share at least one edge of the grid. For a nonnegative integer k, Bk-EPG graphs are defined as EPG graphs admitting a model in which each path has at most k bends. Circular-arc graphs are intersection graphs of open arcs of a circle. It is easy to see that every circular-arc graph is a B4-EPG graph, by embedding the circle into a rectangle of the grid. In this paper, we prove that circular-arc graphs are B3-EPG, and that there exist circular-arc graphs which are not B2-EPG. If we restrict ourselves to rectangular representations (i.e., the union of the paths used in the model is contained in the boundary of a rectangle of the grid), we obtain EPR (edge intersection of paths in a rectangle) representations. We may define Bk-EPR graphs, k ≥ 0, the same way as Bk- EPG graphs. Circular-arc graphs are clearly B4-EPR graphs and we will show that there exist circular-arc graphs that are not B3-EPR graphs. We also show that normal circulararc graphs are B2-EPR graphs and that there exist normal circular-arc graphs that are not B1-EPR graphs. Finally, we characterize B1-EPR graphs by a family of minimal forbidden induced subgraphs, and show that they form a subclass of normal Helly circular-arc graphs.
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