Doctoral thesis

Combining Work and Home Life Successfully : An Investigation of Antecedents, Processes, and Outcomes


1 ressource en ligne (203 p.)

Thèse de doctorat: Université de Fribourg, 2018

English The challenge of completing an urgent task at work but being at home for dinner is a daily situation for many working adults. They search for an answer to the question how to combine work and home life successfully. This question is highly relevant as a successful integration of several life domains positively affects the well-being and behavior and has important consequences for family members as well as employers. This dissertation aimed to refine the theoretical understanding of the work-home interface and to provide extensive and detailed insights that can help to facilitate a healthy combination of work and home life. For this purpose, several assumptions derived from ten Brummelhuis and Bakker’s work-home resources model were tested. A number of these assumptions could be confirmed drawing upon data from a meta-analysis and two ecological momentary assessment studies. The meta-analysis (Study I) showed that demands are related to mutual negative influences of the two domains (i.e., work-home conflict), whereas resources are associated with mutual positive influences (i.e., work-home enrichment). Consistently, positive interactions at work were correlated with more positive and less negative parenting behavior in Study III. This relationship was mediated by positive mood. Besides the confirmation of several assumptions, the analyses revealed result patterns that complement the underlying model. Contextual resources such as autonomy at work or social support at home were found to be related to less work-home conflict in Study I. The combination of Study II and Study III proposes that parents might be able to selectively prevent negative and enable positive effects of the work domain on the home domain. The integration of these results leads to the proposition of an extended work-home resources model that refines the existing theoretical knowledge. The dissertation furthermore provides a comprehensive view on the work-home interface by shedding light on antecedents, processes and outcomes and offers a basis for practical measures. The integrated findings suggest for instance that strengthening contextual as well as personal resources is promising for a successful combination of work and home life.
Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines
  • English
  • Ressource en ligne consultée le 22.11.2018
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