Conference paper (in proceedings)

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Member Value Management in Housing Co-operatives

  • Suter, Peter Institute for Research on Management of Associations, Foundations and Co-operatives (VMI), University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
  • Gmür, Markus Institute for Research on Management of Associations, Foundations and Co-operatives (VMI), University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
Published in:
  • Genossenschaftliche Identität und Wachstum. Bericht der XVIII. Internat. Genossenschaftswissenschaftlichen Tagung IGT 2016 in Luzern / Taisch, Franco ; Jungmeister, Alexander ; Gernet, Hilmar. - St. Gallen: Verlag Raiffeisen Schweiz. - 2016, p. 73-83
English Using the example of Swiss housing co-operatives, the study shows how the ndividual member value perception is influenced by the co-operative governance and what other organizational as well as individual factors are relevant in this manner. The strongest effect over all is the age of the co-op: the older a co-op is the better is the economic value for the members but on the same time the lower are the co-operative member values.
Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales et du management
Institut pour la gestion des associations, des fondations et des sociétés coopératives (VMI)
  • English
License undefined
  • RERO DOC 309243
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