Le Majestats, il Volto Santo e il Cristo di Beirut: nuove riflessioni
Published in:
- Iconographica: rivista di iconografia medievale e moderna. - 2014, vol. 13, p. 45-66
In the small village of Beget, in the Catalonian Pyrenees, a monumental statue representing Christ in the Majestat- type and dating from the second half of the 12th century is involved in an unusual ceremony that takes place on November 9th, i.e. on the day associated in the High Middle Ages with the yearly celebration (known as Festum Salvatoris or Passio imaginis Domini) in honour of the legendary image of Christ said to have poured blood after being stabbed by the Jews of Beirut. The present article investigates the impact exerted by this liturgical background on the diffusion and usage of the peculiar crucifix-type representing Christ alive and clad with a long tunic, which was much widespread in Medieval Catalonia but was also known, though in a number of variants, in different areas of Western Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries. The most famous of such tunic-clad crucifixes, the Volto Santo of Lucca, is here regarded as a special local declination of a much wider liturgical and cultic phenomenon, associated with peculiar forms of worship for the Holy Saviour. A special emphasis is given to the performative aspects of the Passio imaginis rite, which laid emphasis on the miraculous blood in its Eucharistic association by setting chalices at the foot of Crucifixes.
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