Journal article

Vascular response to everolimus- and biolimus-eluting coronary stents versus everolimus-eluting bioresorbable scaffolds – an optical coherence tomography substudy of the EVERBIO II trial

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  • Swiss Medical Weekly. - 2016, vol. 146, no. 0102, p. w14274
English QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Head-to-head optical coherence tomography (OCT) data comparing metallic stents with bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS) are lacking. This study assessed vascular healing at 9-month follow-up after implantation of everolimus- and biolimus-eluting stents (EES BES) and everolimus-eluting BVS.METHODS: OCT was performed in 74 patients enrolled in the EVERBIO II (NCT01711931) trial (23 with EES: 26 lesions, 7 625 struts; 23 with BES: 26 lesions, 6 140 struts; 28 with BVS: 33 lesions, 10 891 struts). OCT images were acquired using the pullback and nonocclusive flushing technique and analysed offline.RESULTS: BVS demonstrated fewer uncovered struts per patient (12 ± 27 [3.8 ± 8.4%] vs 59 ± 55 [21.8 ± 13.7%] in the EES and BES group, p <0.001), and thicker neointimal hyperplasia (BVS 102 ± 44 µm vs EES and BES 66 ± 36 µm, p <0.01). There was no significant difference with regard to malapposed struts (2.1 ± 2.7% in the BVS vs 4.4 ± 8.8% in the EES and BES group, p = 0.41). In a predefined signal intensity scale, quantitative analysis of the “key component” (black) revealed lower intensity in BVS than EES and BES (14 ± 23% vs 13 ± 12%, p = 0.007). Intensity was lower in polylactide-containing stents (BVS and BES) than in EES (15 ± 19% vs 10 ± 10%, p <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: BVS has fewer uncovered struts and presents with a thicker neointimal coverage compared with EES and BES. It is not known whether this improved capping correlates with superior vascular healing. Polylactide-containing stents (BVS and BES) demonstrate lower peristrut intensity compared with EES.
Faculté des sciences et de médecine
Médecine 3ème année
  • English
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