Journal article

Structural, magnetic, and superconducting properties of pulsed-laser-deposition-grown ${\text{La}}_{1.85}$${\text{Sr}}_{0.15}$${\text{CuO}}_{4}$/${\text{La}}_{2/3}$${\text{Ca}}_{1/3}$${\text{MnO}}_{3}$ superlattices on (001)-oriented ${\text{LaSrAlO}}_{4}$ substrates

  • Das, Saikat University of Fribourg, Department of Physics and Fribourg Center for Nanomaterials, Switzerland
  • Sen, Kaushik University of Fribourg, Department of Physics and Fribourg Center for Nanomaterials, Switzerland
  • Marozau, Ivan University of Fribourg, Department of Physics and Fribourg Center for Nanomaterials, Switzerland
  • Uribe-Laverde, Miguel Angel University of Fribourg, Department of Physics and Fribourg Center for Nanomaterials, Switzerland
  • Biskup, N. Departamento de Física Aplicada III and Instituto Pluridisciplinar, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
  • Varela, M. Departamento de Física Aplicada III and Instituto Pluridisciplinar, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain - Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
  • Khaydukov, Y. Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, Germany - Max Planck Society Outstation at the Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM-II), Garching, Germany
  • Soltwedel, O. Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, Germany - Max Planck Society Outstation at the Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM-II), Garching, Germany
  • Keller, T. Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, Germany - Max Planck Society Outstation at the Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM-II), Garching, Germany
  • Döbeli, M. Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Schneider, C. W. Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
  • Bernhard, Christian University of Fribourg, Department of Physics and Fribourg Center for Nanomaterials, Switzerland
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Published in:
  • Physical Review B. - 2014, vol. 89, no. 9, p. 094511
English German Epitaxial La1.85Sr0.15CuO4/La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (LSCO/LCMO) superlattices on (001)-oriented LaSrAlO4 substrates have been grown with pulsed laser deposition technique. Their structural, magnetic, and superconducting properties have been determined with in situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction, x-ray diffraction, specular neutron reflectometry, scanning transmission electron microscopy, electric transport, and magnetization measurements. We find that despite the large mismatch between the in-plane lattice parameters of LSCO (a=0.3779 nm) and LCMO (a=0.387 nm) these superlattices can be grown epitaxially and with a high crystalline quality. While the first LSCO layer remains clamped to the LaSrAlO4 substrate, a sizable strain relaxation occurs already in the first LCMO layer. The following LSCO and LCMO layers adopt a nearly balanced state in which the tensile and compressive strain effects yield alternating in-plane lattice parameters with an almost constant average value. No major defects are observed in the LSCO layers, while a significant number of vertical antiphase boundaries are found in the LCMO layers. The LSCO layers remain superconducting with a relatively high superconducting onset temperature of Tonsetc≈36 K. The macroscopic superconducting response is also evident in the magnetization data due to a weak diamagnetic signal below 10 K for H ∥ ab and a sizable paramagnetic shift for H ∥ c that can be explained in terms of a vortex-pinning-induced flux compression. The LCMO layers maintain a strongly ferromagnetic state with a Curie temperature of TCurie≈190 K and a large low-temperature saturation moment of about 3.5(1) μB per Mn ion. These results suggest that the LSCO/LCMO superlattices can be used to study the interaction between the antagonistic ferromagnetic and superconducting orders and, in combination with previous studies on YBa2Cu3O7−x/La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 superlattices, may allow one to identify the relevant mechanisms. \begin{equation}P_{q}(\tau)=\frac{1}{\overline{\tau}}f(\frac{\tau}{\overline{\tau}})\end{equation}
Faculté des sciences et de médecine
Département de Physique
  • English
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