Ultrafast excited-state dynamics of phenyleneethynylene oligomers in solution
Duvanel, Guillaume
Department of Physical Chemistry of the University of Geneva, Switzerland
Grilj, Jakob
Department of Physical Chemistry of the University of Geneva, Switzerland
Schuwey, Anne
Department of Chemistry of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Gossauer, Albert
Department of Chemistry of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Vauthey, Eric
Department of Physical Chemistry of the University of Geneva, Switzerland
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Published in:
- Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. - 2007, vol. 6, p. 956-963
The excited-state dynamics of oligomeric phenyleneethynylenes (OPEs) of various length and substitution has been investigated by femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy. The fluorescence lifetime of the OPEs decreases with the number of phenyleneethynylene units up to about 9. This effect is due to an increase of the oscillator strength for the S₁–S₀ transition. Dynamic features occurring within a few tens of picoseconds and ascribed to structural relaxation directly after population of the S₁ state can be observed in non-viscous solvents. The effect of torsional disorder on the fluorescence intensity is shown to depend strongly on the nature of the substituent on the phenyl groups. All these effects are qualitatively discussed with a simple exciton model.
- Faculté des sciences et de médecine
- Département de Chimie
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