Doctoral thesis

Ecoregional Governance: Transboundary Environmental Cooperation in the Carpatho-Danubian Area


1 ressource en ligne; (238 pages)

Thèse de doctorat: Université de Fribourg, 2020

English The dissertation examines the contemporary environmental governance complex covering the transboundary area of the Carpathians and Danube with a focus on ecoregional approach. The strategic importance of these two geographical objects accounts for an intertwined system of varied institutions and initiatives contributing to addressing ecological challenges in the area through international cooperation. Using qualitative research methods and secondary literature, the study tackles the factors determining the governance’s architecture and content, the forms of involvement of actors, and ecoregional governance effectiveness aspects. The starting point is the locus of a region, then one looks at the specificity of borders to finally arrive to conclusions on European space. The main findings of the present inquiry confirm certain governance development tendencies discussed in the works of other scholars. The concursion of administrative borders and landscape boundaries moves border and montane areas to the center of international attention. The natural setting serves as a foundation for invoking specific environmental regimes, but actors have a great measure of discretion in shaping the collaboration system, whereby ecoregion is utilised as a composit element of a comprehensive sustainability approach.
Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines
  • English
Social sciences
  • Ressource en ligne consultée le 2021-10-28
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