Attitudes toward Corporate Responsibilities in Western Europe and in Central And East Europe
Université de Fribourg
Furrer, Olivier
University of Fribourg
Egri, Carolyn P.
Simon Fraser University
Ralston, David A.
University of Oklahoma
Danis, Wade M.
Georgia State University
Reynaud, Emmanuelle
IAE Aix-en-Provence III,
Naoumova, Irina
University of Hartford,
Molteni, Mario
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Starkus, Arunas
Centre for International Business and Economic Research (CIBER)
Darder, Fidel León
, Universitat de València
Dabic, Marina
University of Zagreb
Furrer-Perrinjaquet, Amandine
University of Lausanne
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Published in:
- Management International Review. - 2010, vol. 50, no. 3, p. 379-398
This study investigated the attitudes toward social, economic, and environmental corporate responsibilities of 3064 current managers and business students in 8 European countries. Participants in Western European countries had significantly different perspectives on the importance of these corporate responsibilities (CR) than those in Central and East European countries. Within each country, environmental CR is perceived as most important in both CEE and Western European countries. Across countries, Western European respondents accord more importance to social CR and less importance to economic CR. CEE countries are not homogenous, e.g., CR attitudes in the Czech Republic are closer to that of Western Europeans, possibly triggered by the accession to EU. Work experience (managers vs. business students) influences social and environmental orientations more than the economic orientation for only some countries. Generational differences were found as well: Business students attribute more importance to environmental CR and less importance to social CR than managers.
- Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales et du management
- Département des sciences du Management
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