
Last updated: 27-06-2024

User roles

Four user roles exist in SONAR.


Users can log in and are recognised by the system. For now, there are no specific features associated with this role.


Submitters are usually researchers or students.


  • Can create and submit deposits (usually of their publications). These must be validated by a moderator in order to become publicly visible in SONAR.
  • Can see their own deposits, including history and status.


Moderators are usually librarians. They have the same permissions as submitters plus additional ones.

Additional permissions

  • Can see, create, edit and validate deposits for users in their organisation.
  • Can see, create and edit documents, incl. attached files.


Usually (but not necessarily), there is a single administrator per organisation. They have the same permissions as moderators plus additional ones.

Additional permissions

  • Can delete documents.
  • Can see, create, edit and delete users (moderators and submitters).
  • Can see and edit their own organisation (settings).
  • Can see, create, edit and delete subdivisions if their organisation is dedicated.
  • Can see, create, edit and delete collections if their organisation is dedicated.

Adding a submitter

1. Check if the person has an account

In the administration, click on "Users" and look for the person to add as a submitter. It is possible that this person already created an account on the public interface of SONAR or logged in with Switch edu-ID or ORCID. In this case, she/he has no permissions to submit documents and are not affiliated to any institution.

This list shows all user of the administrator's organisation and all users that are not yet affiliated to any organisation.

2. Affiliate an existing user to your institution

If the user already exists with no permissions (role "user", not linked to any organisation):

  1. Edit the user
  2. Change the role to "Submitter" (or other role)
  3. Check the other data and eventually complete it
  4. Save

The user is automatically affiliated to your institution.

3. Create a user from scratch

If the user does not exist:

  1. In the administration, click on "Users"
  2. Click on "Add"
  3. Choose the role "Submitter" (or other role)
  4. Check the other data and complete it as needed
  5. Save

The user will receive an e-mail with a link to reset their password and a summary of the permissions they have on the platform. For security reasons, the link expires after 30 minutes; when opening it after this delay, a new e-mail is sent to reset the password.

Organisation | Collections