OAI-PMH service

Last updated: 25-06-2024


OAI-PMH stands for Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. It is a protocol for collecting and synchronising the metadata of a repository to display it in another platform.

Reference: openarchives.org/pmh/

Service access

Type of request URL
Start page sonar.ch/oai2d?
List of metadata formats sonar.ch/oai2d?verb=ListMetadataFormats
List of sets sonar.ch/oai2d?verb=ListSets
List of records sonar.ch/oai2d?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc

Metadata format

Currently, only the format oai_dc is implemented, according to the OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repositories v3.

Specificity of this format: the field dc:identifier contains the record permalink and also, if applicable, the direct link to the file.



REST API endpoints