"Supplemental Table S3: Proteins in cluster 3 were tested for significantly enriched terms (p<0.05, BH corrected). Minimum number of 5 proteins carrying respective terms." Cluster ID Type Name P value Enrichment Total In cluster Cluster size Benj. Hoch. FDR 3 Keywords Acetylation 6.81E-05 1.2264 506 126 200 0.0076813 3 GOBP name biosynthetic process 3.54E-06 1.5219 233 72 200 0.00039077 3 GOBP name catabolic process 1.28E-09 1.713 230 80 200 2.20E-07 3 GOBP name cellular biosynthetic process 1.51E-06 1.567 220 70 200 0.00017087 3 GOBP name cellular catabolic process 9.67E-07 1.625 197 65 200 0.00011505 3 GOBP name cellular component biogenesis 8.79E-07 4.4773 11 10 200 0.00011322 3 GOBP name cellular component biogenesis at cellular level 8.79E-07 4.4773 11 10 200 0.00011016 3 GOBP name cellular component disassembly 4.44E-11 2.5226 82 42 200 9.36E-09 3 GOBP name cellular component disassembly at cellular level 4.44E-11 2.5226 82 42 200 8.95E-09 3 GOBP name cellular component organization 9.66E-05 1.2853 387 101 200 0.0093322 3 GOBP name cellular component organization at cellular level 9.84E-05 1.3361 317 86 200 0.0091266 3 GOBP name cellular component organization or biogenesis 9.66E-05 1.2853 387 101 200 0.0091417 3 GOBP name cellular component organization or biogenesis at cellular level 9.84E-05 1.3361 317 86 200 0.0089476 3 GOBP name cellular macromolecular complex disassembly 6.40E-16 3.4027 55 38 200 4.95E-13 3 GOBP name cellular macromolecular complex subunit organization 1.25E-11 2.3257 108 51 200 3.05E-09 3 GOBP name cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process 2.34E-08 1.9623 128 51 200 3.51E-06 3 GOBP name cellular macromolecule catabolic process 3.27E-10 2.214 109 49 200 6.33E-08 3 GOBP name cellular macromolecule metabolic process 0.00046715 1.2405 401 101 200 0.034954 3 GOBP name cellular process involved in reproduction 1.42E-13 3.0012 64 39 200 7.32E-11 3 GOBP name cellular protein complex disassembly 3.53E-16 3.5043 52 37 200 8.18E-13 3 GOBP name cotranslational protein targeting to membrane 6.49E-13 3.0569 58 36 200 2.15E-10 3 GOCC name cytosolic large ribosomal subunit 1.89E-07 3.1192 30 19 200 2.08E-05 3 GOCC name cytosolic small ribosomal subunit 5.88E-10 4.1862 20 17 200 1.94E-07 3 GOBP name establishment of localization 6.77E-05 1.3564 305 84 200 0.0066814 3 GOBP name establishment of localization in cell 1.05E-06 1.588 214 69 200 0.00012232 3 GOBP name establishment of protein localization 0.00015481 1.5065 170 52 200 0.013299 3 GOBP name establishment of protein localization in endoplasmic reticulum 1.83E-13 3.0886 59 37 200 8.49E-11 3 GOBP name establishment of protein localization to organelle 2.49E-12 2.7746 71 40 200 7.21E-10 3 GOBP name glucose catabolic process 0.00028027 2.6864 22 12 200 0.022417 3 Keywords Glycolysis 0.00010054 3.2833 15 10 200 0.0090687 3 GOBP name glycolysis 0.00021559 3.0781 16 10 200 0.018184 3 GOBP name hexose catabolic process 0.00047162 2.5696 23 12 200 0.034728 3 GOBP name intracellular protein transport 4.95E-07 1.8422 131 49 200 6.75E-05 3 GOBP name intracellular transport 7.01E-06 1.5966 182 59 200 0.00075575 3 GOCC name large ribosomal subunit 5.56E-08 3.1774 31 20 200 7.34E-06 3 GOCC name macromolecular complex 0.00036979 1.2204 452 112 200 0.024406 3 GOBP name macromolecular complex disassembly 6.40E-16 3.4027 55 38 200 4.24E-13 3 GOBP name macromolecular complex subunit organization 1.58E-09 1.9084 160 62 200 2.61E-07 3 GOBP name macromolecule biosynthetic process 5.19E-08 1.8915 138 53 200 7.52E-06 3 GOBP name macromolecule catabolic process 2.18E-09 2.0393 128 53 200 3.49E-07 3 GOBP name macromolecule metabolic process 0.00029165 1.2312 440 110 200 0.022932 3 KEGG name Methane metabolism 0.0003031 3.8306 9 7 200 0.03425 3 GOBP name mRNA catabolic process 6.55E-12 2.8473 64 37 200 1.69E-09 3 GOBP name mRNA metabolic process 1.69E-07 1.8216 146 54 200 2.38E-05 3 GOCC name non-membrane-bounded organelle 0.00069954 1.326 260 70 200 0.038475 3 GOBP name nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process 2.13E-11 2.8143 63 36 200 4.70E-09 3 GOBP name "nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, nonsense-mediated decay" 2.99E-13 3.1105 57 36 200 1.16E-10 3 GOBP name nucleic acid metabolic process 4.85E-05 1.4365 240 70 200 0.0049978 3 GOBP name protein complex disassembly 3.53E-16 3.5043 52 37 200 5.45E-13 3 GOBP name protein complex subunit organization 1.74E-11 2.1762 129 57 200 4.04E-09 3 GOBP name protein metabolic process 0.00038426 1.352 255 70 200 0.029223 3 GOBP name protein targeting 2.29E-09 2.234 97 44 200 3.54E-07 3 GOBP name protein targeting to ER 1.83E-13 3.0886 59 37 200 7.72E-11 3 GOBP name protein targeting to membrane 4.93E-13 2.9706 63 38 200 1.76E-10 3 GOBP name protein transport 0.00011098 1.5244 168 52 200 0.0099006 3 GOBP name reproductive process 8.06E-07 1.7364 156 55 200 0.00010689 3 GOBP name response to hydrogen peroxide 0.00053138 3.2833 12 8 200 0.038517 3 GOBP name response to reactive oxygen species 0.00015146 3.4096 13 9 200 0.013257 3 Keywords Ribonucleoprotein 2.79E-12 2.6864 77 42 200 6.29E-10 3 GOCC name ribonucleoprotein complex 4.86E-09 1.9847 134 54 200 8.02E-07 3 GOBP name ribonucleoprotein complex biogenesis 8.79E-07 4.4773 11 10 200 0.00010726 3 GOBP name ribosomal small subunit assembly 0.00033152 4.925 5 5 200 0.025632 3 Keywords Ribosomalprotein 5.10E-16 3.546 50 36 200 2.30E-13 3 KEGG name Ribosome 1.73E-16 3.6184 49 36 200 3.91E-14 3 GOCC name ribosome 7.79E-10 3.1232 41 26 200 1.71E-07 3 GOBP name RNA biosynthetic process 1.25E-09 2.1688 109 48 200 2.24E-07 3 GOBP name RNA catabolic process 3.85E-12 2.8356 66 38 200 1.05E-09 3 GOBP name RNA metabolic process 4.90E-05 1.4729 214 64 200 0.0049451 3 GOBP name rRNA metabolic process 0.00025833 2.8513 19 11 200 0.0214 3 GOBP name rRNA processing 0.00025833 2.8513 19 11 200 0.021024 3 GOCC name small ribosomal subunit 1.30E-10 4.2214 21 18 200 8.58E-08 3 GOBP name SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane 6.49E-13 3.0569 58 36 200 2.01E-10 3 GOMF name structural constituent of ribosome 4.10E-17 3.6445 50 37 200 4.95E-14 3 GOMF name structural molecule activity 1.60E-10 2.2033 114 51 200 9.67E-08 3 GOBP name translation 4.75E-10 2.8971 51 30 200 8.81E-08 3 GOBP name translational elongation 3.53E-16 3.5043 52 37 200 4.09E-13 3 GOBP name translational initiation 8.28E-14 3.1418 58 37 200 4.80E-11 3 GOBP name translational termination 5.10E-16 3.546 50 36 200 4.73E-13 3 GOBP name transport 4.49E-05 1.3699 302 84 200 0.0047322 3 GOBP name viral transcription 1.73E-16 3.6184 49 36 200 8.03E-13