Sample Name Location WGS84 (°N/°E) Altitude (m a.s.l.) Geomorphic unit Analysis G1 - G6 46.34091/ 7.29049 2100 Alluvial fan (CRE) Grain-size G7, G8 46.33703/ 7.31810 2712 High-elevation platform (ARP) Grain-size M1 - M3 46.34091/ 7.29049 2100 Alluvial fan (CRE) Micromorphology L1, L2; S1, S2 46.33715/ 7.31815; 46.33380/ 7.30790 2712; 2650 Bedrock (limestone; shale) Petrographic thin section CRE01 - CRE16 46.34091/ 7.29049 2100 Alluvial fan (CRE) XRD and Geochemistry ARP01, ARP03 46.33703/ 7.31810 2712 High-elevation platform (ARP) XRD and Geochemistry L1, L2; S1, S2 46.33715/ 7.31815; 46.33380/ 7.30790 2712; 2650 Bedrock (limestone; shale) XRD cre01 - cre16 46.34091/ 7.29049 2100 Alluvial fan (CRE) Portable OSL arp01 - arp05 46.33703/ 7.31810 2712 High-elevation platform (ARP) Portable OSL CRE01 - CRE04 46.34091/ 7.29049 2100 Alluvial fan (CRE) OSL burial dating ARP01 - ARP03 46.33703/ 7.31810 2712 High-elevation platform (ARP) OSL burial dating SAN01 46.35111/ 7.28751 2055 Rockfall deposit (SAN) 10Be exposure dating SAN02 46.35117/ 7.28900 2056 Rockfall deposit (SAN) 10Be exposure dating SAN03 46.35137/ 7.28874 2054 Rockfall deposit (SAN) 10Be exposure dating