"Supplementary Table S6: Overlap among longevity E&R studies. The overlap of significant genes from our study with the aging E&R datasets (Carnes et al. 2015; Fabian et al. 2018; Remolina et al. 2012) was determined. We assessed the 2, 3, and 4 degree intersections of our ""longevity"" loci (i.e. genes with a response to selection for postponed reproduction) with the three other datasets, as well as the 2 degree intersections of our ""developmental diet"", ""interaction"" and ""LE"" genes with these datasets. P was considered significant if < 0.0012 (Bonferroni correction: 0.05 / 43 intersections); *** PBonferroni < 0.001, ** < PBonferroni < 0.01, * 0.01 < PBonferroni < 0.05." Intersections Degree Observed Expected Fold P Overlap Overlap Enrichment "Overlap with ""Age-at-reproduction genes"" (longevity candidates)" This study & Remolina et al 2 5 9.23 0.54 0.958 This study & Carnes et al 2 38 17.71 2.15 3.51E-06 *** This study & Fabian et al 2 30 7.97 3.77 2.64E-10 *** Fabian et al & Remolina et al 2 82 52.05 1.58 2.58E-05 ** Carnes et al & Remolina et al 2 240 115.67 2.07 3.37E-30 *** Fabian et al & Carnes et al 2 156 99.80 1.56 5.32E-09 *** This study & Carnes et al & Remolina et al 3 4 1.06 3.77 0.022 This study & Fabian et al & Remolina et al 3 0 0.48 0 n.a. This study & Fabian et al & Carnes et al 3 8 0.92 8.73 4.57E-06 *** Fabian et al & Carnes et al & Remolina et al 3 22 5.98 3.68 2.72E-07 *** This study & Fabian et al & Carnes et al & Remolina et al 4 0 0.05 0 n.a. "Overlap with ""Developmental diet"" genes " This study & Remolina et al 2 13 13.31 0.98 0.576 This study & Carnes et al 2 51 25.53 2.00 8.69E-07 *** This study & Fabian et al 2 14 11.49 1.22 0.260 "Overlap with ""Interaction"" genes " This study & Remolina et al 2 35 20.75 1.69 0.0017 This study & Carnes et al 2 65 39.78 1.63 4.20E-05 ** This study & Fabian et al 2 31 17.90 1.73 0.0021 "Overlap with ""LE"" genes " This study & Remolina et al 2 34 14.45 2.35 2.88E-06 *** This study & Carnes et al 2 38 27.71 1.37 0.027 This study & Fabian et al 2 17 12.47 1.36 0.121