variables (NL-ALL) knee flexion t cont D vvgain D dth D knee flexion D tcont D tstep OG TM OG TM NL AL NL AL NL-->AL NL AL NL AL OG TM OG TM OG TM OG TM OG TM 39.3481447 36.88541892 39.82850167 38.96242961 0.28329 0.27094 0.29451 0.29564 0.0391 -0.0067 0.011118 0.010139 2.462725786 0.866072051 0.01235 -0.00113 0.01982 0.00904 43.1169385 34.34080154 41.78476351 34.14435286 -20.4% 0.39317 0.3805 0.37497 0.36852 0.3731 0.3356 0.016748 0.011113 8.776136958 7.640410654 0.01267 0.00645 0.03096 0.02527 42.08385829 34.76474207 39.76021833 35.05719341 0.31738 0.30974 0.31014 0.30822 0.2731 0.1899 0.011501 0.001357 7.319116222 4.703024918 0.00764 0.00192 -0.00495 -0.01628 38.67150537 33.87706142 35.94976618 32.41902379 0.34198 0.33703 0.3392 0.33227 0.1764 0.1739 0.000161 0.0011586 4.794443955 3.530742387 0.00495 0.00693 -0.00438 0.01165 44.40845976 41.87286783 41.29636051 39.74809172 0.28087 0.27633 0.26982 0.27173 0.0905 0.0776 0.006693 0.005179 2.535591936 1.54826879 0.00454 -0.00191 0.01916 0.0059 44.68252986 44.29140759 38.83704826 39.8167971 0.43702 0.41849 0.41312 0.42304 0.0207 -0.0303 0.004244 -0.003149 0.391122262 -0.97974884 0.01853 -0.00992 0.03729 0.00835 43.49046443 41.73943725 38.91802256 37.29429412 0.3545 0.349 0.35012 0.34821 0.1831 0.1215 0.007864 0.009039 1.751027186 1.62372844 0.0055 0.00191 0.01309 0.0173 37.69425904 36.48162073 36.74236653 37.24190491 0.35072 0.33913 0.32285 0.32199 0.0056 -0.0327 -0.001705 -0.006262 1.212638314 -0.499538375 0.01159 0.00086 0.00068 -0.00232 41.68415948 37.80832324 39.92641076 36.93645417 0.3475 0.34113 0.33956 0.32895 0.1578 0.1453 0.011424 0.016166 3.875836245 2.989956597 0.00637 0.01061 0.0035 0.02656 average 41.7 38.0 39.2 36.8 0.345 0.336 0.335 0.333 0.147 0.108 0.008 0.005 3.680 2.380 0.009 0.002 0.013 0.0095 std 2.6 3.8 1.9 2.6 0.050 0.047 0.043 0.044 0.123 0.121 0.006 0.007 2.826 2.690 0.005 0.006 0.015 0.013 NL-AL change -8.8% -6.1% -31.3% -2.7% -0.5% -80.7% -26.2% -34.3% -35.3% -81.3% -25.8% (t-posthoc) change reduction on TM 3.9 2.66 31.3% 5.94 0.88 80.7% 0.0022 0.1380 0.0004 Différence dûe 0.0445 0.5494 post-hoc: F-leg; t-leg 15.3 0.0180 7.05 0.1162 35.3 0.0014 0.768 1.6259 au changement d'asymétrie t-leg 0.0108 F-leg 11.02 t-leg 0.000147 F-leg 45.39 interaction 0.000425 F-int 25.44 interaction 0.044500 F-int 5.67 t-cond 0.0294 F-cond 7.0 t-cond 0.119 F-cond 3.044 SA of vvgain SA of dth SA of knee flexion SA of tcont SA of tstep adaptation on TM 2.5 1.2 0.010 0.003 OG TM OG TM OG TM OG TM OG TM 0.751779759 -0.143570812 6.203312148 6.166081477 -0.6% 2.055885619 0.699745997 1.418355785 -0.121897732 1.722711046 0.830694052 dth step vvgain 9.511154353 7.564678153 8.325419905 6.396966569 -23.2% 7.182415854 6.384531788 1.042466628 0.552273 2.548806534 2.130463238 OG TM OG TM OG TM 6.407800285 5.082667761 7.048845232 0.926172771 -86.9% 6.044979122 3.996535532 0.775534899 0.197669001 -0.434548993 -1.455633487 NL AL NL AL NL AL NL AL NL AL NL AL 3.938353492 3.620283936 0.098401227 4.16958794 4137.3% 4.201056143 3.284752292 0.464089196 0.657009009 -0.382953493 1.103471107 0.062428 0.05131 0.057246 0.047107 0.37604 0.35622 0.3509 0.34186 1.675 1.6359 1.4821 1.4888 1.663566066 1.520792436 4.27985459 4.441823175 3.8% 1.870327632 1.216047015 0.518698817 -0.224529355 1.679540103 0.53901537 0.072042 0.055294 0.060668 0.049555 0.40192 0.37096 0.39005 0.36478 1.4259 1.0528 1.5733 1.2377 0.444220981 -0.675734968 8.489630127 -4.224485138 -149.8% 0.279851122 -0.792962155 1.378677065 -0.755234869 2.687796025 0.633405189 0.057474 0.045973 0.047313 0.045956 0.36011 0.36506 0.3478 0.36408 1.4886 1.2155 1.2817 1.0918 4.083675082 2.637407309 3.757730506 4.856083247 29.2% 1.307735557 1.35613417 0.497702546 0.174121223 1.080283788 1.465513658 0.052161 0.052 0.0094115 0.0082529 0.36187 0.36625 0.34185 0.3302 1.5121 1.3357 1.6143 1.4404 0.136019279 -0.750928937 -0.866458858 -3.766847946 334.7% 1.040662768 -0.429836191 1.069468588 0.084903647 0.059020194 -0.210512042 0.05305 0.046357 0.039643 0.034464 0.37262 0.35346 0.35136 0.34546 1.7765 1.686 1.6627 1.5851 2.861282202 2.728497021 5.915875163 9.243599702 56.3% 3.101527886 2.4751956 0.588872441 1.010301825 0.276713839 2.19044971 0.01794 0.013696 0.022118 0.025267 0.46 0.42271 0.42378 0.41543 1.4936 1.4729 1.4121 1.4424 0.070469 0.062605 0.063654 0.054615 0.39221 0.37912 0.38434 0.36704 1.5168 1.3337 1.5263 1.4048 3.311 2.398 4.806 3.134 3.009 2.021 0.862 0.175 1.026 0.803 0.06178 0.063485 0.049723 0.055985 0.36708 0.3664 0.34964 0.35196 1.3133 1.3077 1.3697 1.4024 3.098 2.787 3.352 4.604 2.358 2.278 0.378 0.524 1.205 1.143 0.067003 0.055579 0.06336 0.047194 0.40436 0.40086 0.39909 0.37253 1.8332 1.6754 1.7667 1.6214 -27.6% -34.8% F -32.8% -79.7% -21.8% p 0.0023 Différence du 0.3617 0.94 p 0.0011 Différence dûe 0.0326 p 0.62 average 0.0571 0.0496 0.046 0.041 0.3885 0.3757 0.3710 0.3615 1.559 1.413 1.521 1.413 F 19.2 au num. 6 F 24.6 au changement d'asymétrie F 0.27 std 0.016 0.015 0.019 0.016 0.032 0.022 0.029 0.024 0.169 0.220 0.152 0.164 NL-AL change -13.2% -10.8% -18.1% -3.3% -2.6% -22.3% -9.4% -7.1% -24.3% change reduction on TM 3.83 2.04 18.1% 2.52 2.14 22.3% 3.59 2.68 24.3% post-hoc: F-leg; t-leg 14.7 0.0199 4.18 0.3010 6.33 0.1442 4.56 0.2610 12.9 0.0284 7.18 0.1117 t-leg 0.0164 F-leg 9.16 t-leg 0.0232 F-leg 7.84 t-leg 0.0135 F-leg 9.96 interaction 0.138 F-int 2.72 interaction 0.549 F-int 0.39 interaction 0.002 F-int 19.74 t-cond 0.0615 F-cond 4.724 t-cond 0.000111 F-cond 49.26 t-cond 0.645 F-cond 0.229 adaptation on TM 0.011 0.009 0.017 0.014 0.038 0.000 Variables (OG-TM) knee flexion t cont dth step vvgain NL AL NL AL NL AL NL AL NL AL OG TM OG TM OG TM OG TM OG TM OG TM OG TM OG TM OG TM OG TM 39.3481447 39.82850167 36.88541892 38.96242961 0.28329 0.29451 0.27094 0.29564 0.062428 0.057246 0.05131 0.047107 0.37604 0.3509 0.35622 0.34186 1.675 1.4821 1.6359 1.4888 43.1169385 41.78476351 34.34080154 34.14435286 0.39317 0.37497 0.3805 0.36852 0.072042 0.060668 0.055294 0.049555 0.40192 0.39005 0.37096 0.36478 1.4259 1.5733 1.0528 1.2377 42.08385829 39.76021833 34.76474207 35.05719341 0.31738 0.31014 0.30974 0.30822 0.057474 0.047313 0.045973 0.045956 0.36011 0.3478 0.36506 0.36408 1.4886 1.2817 1.2155 1.0918 38.67150537 35.94976618 33.87706142 32.41902379 0.34198 0.3392 0.33703 0.33227 0.052161 0.0094115 0.052 0.0082529 0.36187 0.34185 0.36625 0.3302 1.5121 1.6143 1.3357 1.4404 44.40845976 41.29636051 41.87286783 39.74809172 0.28087 0.26982 0.27633 0.27173 0.05305 0.039643 0.046357 0.034464 0.37262 0.35136 0.35346 0.34546 1.7765 1.6627 1.686 1.5851 44.68252986 38.83704826 44.29140759 39.8167971 0.43702 0.41312 0.41849 0.42304 0.01794 0.022118 0.013696 0.025267 0.46 0.42378 0.42271 0.41543 1.4936 1.4121 1.4729 1.4424 43.49046443 38.91802256 41.73943725 37.29429412 0.3545 0.35012 0.349 0.34821 0.070469 0.063654 0.062605 0.054615 0.39221 0.38434 0.37912 0.36704 1.5168 1.5263 1.3337 1.4048 37.69425904 36.74236653 36.48162073 37.24190491 0.35072 0.32285 0.33913 0.32199 0.06178 0.049723 0.063485 0.055985 0.36708 0.34964 0.3664 0.35196 1.3133 1.3697 1.3077 1.4024 41.68415948 39.92641076 37.80832324 36.93645417 0.3475 0.33956 0.34113 0.32895 0.067003 0.06336 0.055579 0.047194 0.40436 0.39909 0.40086 0.37253 1.8332 1.7667 1.6754 1.6214 average 41.7 39.2 38.0 36.8 0.345 0.335 0.336 0.333 0.057 0.046 0.050 0.041 0.388 0.371 0.376 0.361 1.559 1.521 1.413 1.413 std 2.6 1.9 3.8 2.6 0.050 0.043 0.047 0.044 0.016 0.019 0.015 0.016 0.032 0.029 0.022 0.024 0.169 0.152 0.220 0.164 change -5.9% -3.1% -3.0% -0.8% -19.7% -17.5% -4.5% -3.8% -2.5% 0.0% post-hoc: F-leg; t-leg 15.0 0.0190 2.42 0.6344 0.1287 2.1470 0.1273 0.4709 0.0023 0.0211 1.5405 3.9930 t-cond 0.425 F-cond 0.706 t-cond 0.119 F-cond 3.044 t-cond 0.0615 F-cond 4.724 t-cond 0.000111 F-cond 49.26 t-cond 0.645 F-cond 0.229 ADAPTATION on TM knee flexion t cont dth step vvgain delta TM-OG delta TM-OG delta TM-OG delta TM-OG delta TM-OG NL AL NL AL NL AL NL AL NL AL 0.480356964 2.077010698 0.01122 0.0247 -0.005182 -0.004203 -0.02514 -0.01436 -0.1929 -0.1471 -1.332174988 -0.196448684 -0.0182 -0.01198 -0.011374 -0.005739 -0.01187 -0.00618 0.1474 0.1849 -2.323639959 0.292451345 -0.00724 -0.00152 -0.010161 -1.7E-05 -0.01231 -0.00098 -0.2069 -0.1237 -2.721739193 -1.458037624 -0.00278 -0.00476 -0.0427495 -0.0437471 -0.02002 -0.03605 0.1022 0.1047 -3.112099249 -2.124776104 -0.01105 -0.0046 -0.013407 -0.011893 -0.02126 -0.008 -0.1138 -0.1009 -5.845481599 -4.474610496 -0.0239 0.00455 0.004178 0.011571 -0.03622 -0.00728 -0.0815 -0.0305 -4.572441875 -4.445143129 -0.00438 -0.00079 -0.006815 -0.00799 -0.00787 -0.01208 0.0095 0.0711 -0.951892506 0.760284183 -0.02787 -0.01714 -0.012057 -0.0075 -0.01744 -0.01444 0.0564 0.0947 -1.757748717 -0.87186907 -0.00794 -0.01218 -0.003643 -0.008385 -0.00527 -0.02833 -0.0665 -0.054 -2.460 -1.160 -0.010 -0.003 -0.011 -0.009 -0.017 -0.014 -0.038 0.000 1.908 2.238 0.012 0.012 0.013 0.015 0.010 0.011 0.126 0.117 0.0004 0.0445 0.1380 0.5494 0.0022